Why Am I Not Hearing You?
My Racial Relations in Life and Work Places
Why would I hate someone without knowing their name? In this memoir, I take you on a journey with eyes of empathy to help fight prejudice around us.
Two powerful women who primed my life are my mother, Barbara Griffin, until two days before my 9th birthday, and Addie Wyatt as my loving mentor from the age of 19 until 66 years old. Who would have thought I would grow up - not questioning why there is a difference between two races with different skin tones. I thought it was just everyday living, even though I lived in an all-white neighborhood. I was raised without the red flags of prejudice and hate with my mother’s friends and a father with Appalachian roots supporting of my mother having close Black companions. I don’t mean to give the impression that I lived in a bubble without a world of prejudice. There was plenty of hate around with some family members, friends, and strangers who walked into my life.
Who’s Smart and Still Can’t Read?
My EXPERIENCE with Vision and Learning Disability
• People who might benefit from a referral to neuro-optometry may include athletes after a concussion, adults with whiplash after a car accident, elderly people with balance issues, or seemingly healthy children who are struggling in school.
• More than 50% of patients with traumatic brain injury have eye-tracking and ocular teaming difficulties.
• Adding a brief neuro-optometric screening to the comprehensive eye examination and asking patients a few questions can help identify people who might benefit from a referral.
Are you Hearing Me?
Tell Me Before I Die
People may want to know: The reason Therese used indentations, an additional line between paragraphs and double space between sentences because it's easier for those who have Vision Tracking Disorder to read. These items are helpful to Therese's reading. They may not appear in the ebook version, but will be present in the print version of this book.
Adena Bank Lees, LCSW, LISAC, BCETS, CP, Speaker, Consultant and Author of Covert Emotional Incest: The Hidden Sexual Abuse, A Story of Hope and Healing
There are not many of us who are brave enough to share the emotional depth, troubles, and triumphs the way Therese Griffin has in Are You Hearing Me? — Tell Me Before I Die. I only met Therese recently, but I feel as though we have known each other for years. She had read my book, Covert Emotional Incest: The Hidden Sexual Abuse and wanted to relay her appreciation for the validation of the confidant and care-taker roles she was assigned growing up in her family. I was impressed with Therese's commitment to her personal growth and recovery. She is going strong at seventy years of age, and it is evident she will continue for years to come. Her passion for serving others through imparting her experience, strength, and hope is evident in person and the publication of this book. Therese speaks specifically of her losses and how they led to finding her authentic self. She tells the truth about alcoholism and what it takes to be in recovery. Therese shares how vital spirituality is to a life that is happy, joyous and free. She also informs us of her learning disability, the toll it took on her, and how she has found ways to overcome it. So, if you are struggling with grief, addiction, a learning disability, or just plain humanity, Are You Hearing Me? will offer you feelings to relate to, the hope of healing and recovery, and specific thoughts and behaviors to practice on your path to serenity and joy.