CBS News - Dyslexia: Cracking the Code
Therese personal insights of the unknown by becoming a Vision Learning Disability Survivor since Birth into her 70’s.
Thank you, CBS New sharing Dyslexia: Cracking the Code segment on Sunday, August 25, 2019. We have the tools to recognize Vision Disabilities in children and adults. Question is ‘who diagnosed with Learning Disabilities?’ As a child, I knew I was different because my grades were mostly D’s and F’s with only a C here or there. I knew the subject but couldn’t pass any exams. My scores would be 38%, 48%, and when I received a 69%, I felt at least I was doing better.
Critical issues addressed with Dyslexia: Cracking the Code that Therese can relate:
1. As a child, I would ask others, please don’t stand behind me when trying to read - I’m a slow reader.
Others would respond, "We’re all slow readers that would make me feel that I appeared discounted because I knew that was not true.
Teachers asked my best friend in grade school, “Why don’t you help Therese read?” My friend looked like a deer staring into headlights by saying, “I don’t know how.”
2. After high school, I started at Libby's Foods Factory and became an active Union member. Coworker reading a paragraph out of our contract. Bolding, I said that's not what it reads! He read it out loud then. I realized I was missing words. I rarely read. Now, if I do read a paragraph, I had to read it at least five or more times. A new awareness of my vision difficulties.
3. Approximately age 20 years old, I connected with my 4th-grade teacher. I mention, "I wish I were 1/2 as smart as a friend MS. Teacher asked why? MS got B's and C's. The teacher looked puzzled, "Therese, you had a higher IQ than MS. How could that be? Teacher, "MS studied and worked hard to receive B's and C's. Silently I thought, I worked hard too, and I still could only get D's and F's with a weak C. Cracking the Code: That's me with a higher IQ and paralyzed with reading.
4. My recovery mentor asked if I was thinking of college? I went off, “Are you making fun of me? Are you playing with my head? You know I can’t read! Mentor’s response, “Never met anyone who could write and not read? I minimized that I’m artistic. I have nice handwriting. I took a basic reading lab at a local Community College.
5. I searched for Professors who were good lectors or hands-on style classes. In my early college classes, Pac-Man is a maze arcade game in the 1980s. I would bring a roll of quarters to play during our break before my 2nd schedule class. After a couple of weeks, I realized that I could read a bit easier during my 2nd class. I shared at work about Pac-Man and my reading. They laughed. I would have insights about what would or would not help me. My first Addiction Counseling course towards my MA degree, a friend read the entire textbook that I could listen to a cassette tape.
6. I continued to refer to myself as “What do you expect from a Dummy? You know, I’m only a factory worker. I can’t read. I could read words straight down but not in sentences because I missed words in paragraphs.
7. I applied to take the AZ Behavioral Health Exam for Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor. I fail the exam three times, my 4th I was able to pass it. I always look at the seating arrangements, space surrounding me, etc. I figured out my Special Accommodations before it was a coined phrase.
8. After receiving my BA, MA, LISAC with a great fulfilling resume and retirement, I employed with six years as an on-call Hospital Chaplain. Our required training for the first three years was hands-on or group setting. I failed Bloodborne Pathogens online computer training four times - a class I could teach. I couldn’t believe it because if I didn’t pass the required courses. I could not continue to work in our system. Personnel agreed that I could have a retired teacher read the question. I passed the training!
9. 2019, It was a rerun of failing the require training on a computer once again. I searched for a specialist and found Tanya Polec OD, FCOVD, Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Specialist. My diagnosed was Vision Tracking that is different, yet, similar to Dyslexia. After intense vision rehab at 70 years, for the first time, I was able to read 39 pages straight in a book. I am a new woman!
10. Tanya OD shares: It is challenging for me to explain this to patients who have 20/20 acuity, as that visual standard is only one piece of the pie! I often make an analogy that the visual system is similar to using two cameras. Each camera is pointed at the object of the picture. Then the camera is focused on clearing the image, and the last step (since we have two cameras) is to have them observe the object from different angles. Why? So you don’t have a blurry or a double picture and observe depth in the object.